Yes, you can contact Facebook if your account has been hacked -1 (866) 825-1531). Visit the Facebook Help Center, report the issue, and follow the steps to secure your account. To report a hacked Facebook account: 1 (866) 825-1531 Go to the Facebook login page and click on "Forgotten password?" 1 (866) 825-1531 Enter the email or phone number linked to the account and click "Search."-1 (866) 825-1531 Select your account and click "No longer have access to these?" Follow the prompts to report the account as compromised.-1 (866) 825-1531 Follow the instructions provided to secure your account. For more help, you can also visit the Facebook Help Center. 1 (866) 825-1531. Yes, you can contact Facebook if your account has been hacked -1 (866) 825-1531). Visit the Facebook Help Center, report the issue, and follow the steps to secure your account.